Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Kindle Wireless Reading Device Review by Matthew E. Coenen "books yay!" (Spokane, WA)


Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White - 2nd Generation

Price: $139.00 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details
I Wanted a Dedicated E-Reader, and That's What I Got
I'm a first-time Kindle Wireless Reading Device Wi-Fi Graphite owner, so I have nothing to "compare" the latest Kindle Wireless Reading Device Wi-Fi Graphite to. I don't own a Nook. I don't own an iPad (and, in any case, that's comparing apples to oranges). I don't have a Sony e-reader. '

This will be a short, simple review.

I received my Kindle Wireless Reading Device Wi-Fi Graphite about a week ago and haven't been able to put it down.

Things I like about my Kindle Wireless Reading Device Wi-Fi Graphite?

  1. The e-ink display is amazing.
  2. Using the 5-way controller is simple and effective.
  3. Page turn speeds are faster than I thought they would be.
  4. It's lightweight, even with the attached cover (I have an Amazon cover with a built-in light)
  5. Page-turning buttons are quiet and well-placed.
  6. Recharge time is fast.
  7. I can order a book and start reading it in less than 60 seconds. Nice!
  8. Portability... I can take 3,000 books with me when I travel for work and not require additional suitcases or baggage fees.

Things I'm not too keen on?
  1. Buttons are too close together and are laid out oddly.
  2. Lack of individual number buttons is frustrating.
  3. Power button on the bottom? Not a bad thing. Just an odd thing. (Same for the headphone input). I usually rest the "bottom" of a book on my lap when I read.

Things I hope change in the future?
  1. How books are organized... When I put a book in a collection (which is actually a "tag"), it still appears in the main list. It's not actually "moved", it's merely associated.
  2. The look of the main screen. I'd like "folders" or some other way to display "collections".
  3. Ability to create personal "screen savers."
  4. E-book pricing, though Amazon has little control over this. Still, most titles are the same price as or less than their hardback/paperback counterparts. (And I'm not opposed to paying more for convenience and portability).
Things that don't bother me regarding other reviews?
  1. The browser is experimental. Amazon has created a dedicated e-reader, and it's meant to be used to read. Period. Not browse the web. If you want to browse the web, get a computer -- not an e-reader.
  2. The Kindle Wireless Reading Device is not an mP3 player, either. Yes, it's nice to have some classical music playing in the background while I read, but I don't need to see the title of the song, album art, etc. (And you can skip from track to track on the Kindle Wireless Reading Device using shortcut keys).
  3. Lack of a "color" or "touch" screen.
In summary, for $139, I'm quite thrilled with my purchase and have arleady read multiple books on it. In fact, I think I've read more in the past week than I've read in the past month.


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